New recording!

There's a helluva lot to report, there just is, and this time it's all good! I've been working on a new recording, putting together all the songs from my play "The Cyclone Line." Some have been recorded before, a few are new, all are recorded sparsely, adding only one instrument to my guitar and voice. When we did the play the first time, I was lucky enough to have the company of Mark Graham onstage, maestro of harmonica. He joined me on several cuts for this recording. Also joining me on the record is John Rice, who would be my choice of sideman if/when we get to do the show in Chicago. John could get beautiful music out of an old sock, I'm convinced, but on this album he played mandolin and dobro. 

I'm hugely fortunate to have both these guys on board.

The album is scheduled to be released in September, but advance copies will be going out to patrons on my Patreon page: THAT'S new too, it just went up today, check it out and let me know what you think!

In other news, my health continues to be good, no return of the pesky cancer. I got lucky. Very. I know you were wondering.

One more thing; I was recently hired to compose and compile music for a stage production called "Kissing the Joy as it Flies," a compilation of some of the writings of magnificent Oregon writer Brian Doyle. Directed by Charlotte Tiencken, who is also my partner in crime for "Cyclone." There were four actors onstage, plus me and my guitar, in a show put together by Michael and Gerry Feinstein on Vashon Island. It looks likely that we'll be able to travel with that show too, stay tuned and I'll keep you posted.

I loved the work. I'm hoping to do more of that kind of thing in the future, writing original music for stage productions. That doesn't make them musicals, of course, not necessarily, but a play with music is a lovely thing. Think of "Once," that's a good example.

So... That's it for now. Check in on the Patreon page to keep up on the news and listen to cuts from the new record. 

All the best to you all.